Stories ➟ Michael Reza

Michael Reza – A Multi-Faceted Icon

Michael Reza


Michael Reza – A Multi-Faceted Icon

Real estate is an industry that has been in the works for as long as people started settling in communities and in proper houses. With times and traditions changing like the seasons, this industry also saw its own evolution. Though people at first hesitated about investing in land and building structures, that soon changed as more and more awareness spread and it became a common norm.

As people's interest in the industry increased, so did their attempts to use underhanded tricks to gain more profit, and with that, once again, came the fear of losing their wealth.

Michael Reza’s book Real Estate Investment: The Road to Retirement and Building Generational Wealth is a handbook guide for people to learn about real estate investment and everything there is to know about it before they dive deeper into the business.

Reza has been a part of the financial industry for more than twenty years and has accumulated enough experience and wealth under his name to correctly give advice about the matter. He is a politician, businessman, entrepreneur, and charitable advocate against human trafficking rings.

Reza is a risk-taker and a professional when it comes to finances and investing in the right place at the right time. As the owner and CEO of MCapital LLC, a company that provides commercial and residential loans to other businesses, shops, properties, mortgage purposes, etc., he is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to investing his money and finance management.

He wrote this book in hopes of helping guide people on the path to becoming rich enough to sustain many generations to come. As he wants to share the knowledge he acquired through his own hardships and ups and downs in life. He talks about his experiences as a startup organization owner and a multi-millionaire CEO.