Stories ➟ Katy Mack

The Outsider’s Perspective Logan

Katy Mack


The Outsider’s Perspective Logan

Books with the themes of trauma, recovery, and loss are often very difficult to read, not in terms of reading comprehension but more so because of their heavy nature. But there’s one book that breaks that routine and keeps the mood as balanced as it could be while talking about such topics: Logan by Katy Mack. The book’s plot revolves around the premises of addiction, recovery, and redemption but also adds some flavor with the help of romance and friendship.

High school is the time to experience new things, get to know new people, and give love a chance. Our protagonists do the same thing every teenager does —fall in love. The problem lies in managing a relationship while also following their dreams. It’s a tough choice that Mikayla and Logan have to make, and it does take them on separate roads, but eventually things work out.

The addiction to drugs and other unhealthy coping mechanisms comes in when Logan gets injured in the war, losing his chance at a career as a professional football player. Having had tunnel vision to achieve that goal, once lost, he spirals. The time it takes him to get back up on his feet is long and tedious, and he loses much more along the way to recovery.

The realism of him making bad decisions, pushing people away, and isolating himself comes from all the research Mack did to express her empathy for people going through the process. Having never experienced addiction before, she wanted people to know how difficult and non-linear the journey is. Maybe this outside perspective is what keeps the book from getting too dark and heavy, as it has given us hope for a better future all along.